How did the Camp CenterStage Can Do Attitude influence our 2020 sessions:
2020 was an incredible summer for Camp CenterStage at Maple Lane! Never have we experienced so much gratitude, joy, support and determination. CCS hosted 2 successful, COVID-free sessions in 2020 and received overwhelming responses from parents.
"The commitment that you and your staff have made this year so that our kids can have a safe and fun camp experience is AMAZING and so much appreciated!" “Thank you to everyone involved for going the many extra miles to offer this experience to the kids. They will remember this summer in particular for a lifetime.”
Why did we hold our 2020 sessions in the midst of a pandemic? We are committed to and recognize the intrinsic need for young people to have a summer camp experience. As a high school teacher, Alexis (our Camp Director) watched children struggle with on-line learning and knew that camp was needed more than ever. After many meetings, readings, researching and brainstorming: we agreed to do all within our power to host 2020 sessions with all possible safety protocols in place.
We enjoy many advantages on our Camp CenterStage property at Maple Lane. Our low density of campers (under 80 campers on our 60+ acre property) creates a space for lots of room to spread out and “keep our distance”. Our intimate size also allows us to easily influence our culture, creating many safety structures and protocols. Our staff is almost completely made up of camp alumni and have an average of 5+ years’ experience with Camp CenterStage (as campers, CITs, LITs and counselors).
We know summer of 2021 will bring new challenges and we are ready to face them! We cannot predict all the challenges the pandemic will bring but we are confident in our experience and knowledge to create 3 successful sessions this coming summer.
SAVE YOUR BUNK for 2021 NOW!!! Even if you aren't sure which session your camper wants to attend, we highly recommend you reserve your spot today. If Maine state guidelines have restricted numbers again, we may be forced to limit our bunk space. Register for any session and you will automatically be able to transfer to another session.
Join us this summer. REGISTER NOW
Please reach out to us if you have any questions. We can arrange for a phone or virtual meeting.
With Gratitude,
Alexis & Steven Dascoulias (Camp Director and Camp Chef)